International Studies

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International Studies Overview

查塔姆国际研究专业强调文化文本和历史与实践经验和第一手的跨文化互动相结合. Core courses allow students to 在广泛和相关的历史中发展对主题和问题的细致理解, political, cultural context. Specializing in a region (Africa, East 亚洲, 欧洲, Latin America, or the Middle East) provides grounding in language; historical and geographical understanding; and experiential learning; and allows students to take advantage of additional funding available for studying abroad.
Degrees Offered
  • BA
Program School

Most problems do not stop at national borders, 大多数补救措施并不只适用于一个国家:学习如何进行跨国思考是在21世纪取得成功的关键. In an era of increasing interdependence, 国际学习是个人成长和事业成就的门户和基础.

— KAREN KINGSBURY, Ph.D., professor of international studies


Alumna Profile: Maria Taylor ‘18


Explore the International Studies Degree:

In addition to specific field-based knowledge, students will gain skills in analysis, communication, problem-solving. 因为我们的目标是为学生提供他们找到工作所需的知识和经验,并在他们的领域成为领导者, 他们将被鼓励通过积极的实习项目探索职业,并在校园社区中发挥领导作用.

Introduction to Modern 欧洲

The impact of World War I on 欧洲, 两次世界大战之间的民主危机和极权主义意识形态的兴起, 以及二战后欧洲在世界上影响力的下降是这门课程的重点. It then explores the slow resurgence of 欧洲, prospects for 欧洲an unity, 恢复了欧洲作为“第三势力”在国际关系中的影响力.”

Africa Past and Present

本课程是对非洲发展问题和前景的跨学科考察. 它考察了独立前社会的历史发展, 文化, political institutions, economic structures, 以及它们与独立后的经济问题和发展战略的相互作用.

亚洲n Migrations: Local and Global Narratives

本课程研究越南、尼泊尔、印度、中国、日本、韩国等地的移民潮., flowing to the U.S. (especially Western Pennsylvania) and elsewhere. Graphic novels, lyric tales, gender and class, emigrant-immigrant and rural-urban transitions, 从文化研究和历史的角度来看. 作业包括分析、采访和交流项目.

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Our 教师

如果用一个词最好地概括查塔姆国际事务学院的能力,那就是“敬业”. 教授们带来了经验,将课程与现实世界的情况联系起来.

Full 教师
Photo of Jean-Jaques Sene
Associate professor of 历史; Cultural Studies; Conflict Studies
Photo of a Costa Rican rain forest and mountain

Global Focus Program

查塔姆学院屡获殊荣的“全球聚焦”项目每年都让学生对全球一个特定国家或地区进行批判性和全面的探索. 该计划加强了大匹兹堡地区及其他地区的跨文化联系和国际化举措. Featured countries have included Indonesia, 加拿大, Southern Africa, 德国, 巴西, 智利, 越南, more.

Explore Global Focus Program : Checkerboard 1 - Global Focus Program
波胆网站学生坐在木制隔间里的照片, 在珍妮·梅隆·金图书馆的书堆之间学习.

Preparing for Law School

波胆网站的法律预科课程旨在鼓励和支持对法律职业感兴趣的学生. It also helps students prepare to attend law school. The program includes the pre-law advisor, a pre-law minor, 与学校合作提供的课外项目 Pennsylvania Center for Women and Politics, as well 随着 support of an advisory committee.


International Certificate Program

学生可以在全球五大地区之一获得国际研究证书,以提高他们的学位:非洲, 亚洲, 欧洲, Latin America, the Middle East. The certificate includes a language requirement, history and 文化 courses, an international field experience. 获得证书的学生有资格获得额外的海外留学资助.

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